I’ve mentioned a number of times about the issues we’ve had with RavenDB and performance.

My most recent post on the subject talked about optimizing some of our most common queries by storing data in the index, to avoid having to retrieve full documents only to extract a few fields. We implement this solution as a result of guidance from Hibernating Rhinos, who believed that it would decrease the amount of memory churn on the server, because it would no longer need to constantly switch the set of documents currently in memory in order to answer incoming queries. Made sense to me, and they did some internal tests that showed that indexes that stored the indexed fields dramatically reduced the memory footprint of their test.

Alas, it didn’t really help.

Well, that might not be fair. It didn’t seem to help, but that may have been because it only removed one bottleneck in favour of another.

I deployed the changes to our production environment a few days ago, but the server is still using a huge amount of memory, still regularly dumping large chunks of memory and still causing periods of high latency while recovering from the memory dump.

Unfortunately, we’re on our own as far as additional optimizations go, as Hibernating Rhinos have withdrawn from the investigation. Considering the amount of time and money they’ve put into this particular issue, I completely understand their decision to politely request that we engage their consulting services in order to move forward with additional improvements. Their entire support team was extremely helpful and engaged whenever we talked to them, and they did manage to fix a few bugs on the way through, even if it was eventually decided that our issues were not the result of a bug, but simply because of our document and load profile.

What Now?

Its not all doom and gloom though, as the work on removing orphan/abandoned data is going well.

I ran the first round of cleanup a few weeks ago, but the results were disappointing. The removal of the entities that I was targeting (accounts) and their related data only managed to remove around 8000 useless documents from the total of approximately 400 000.

The second round is looking much more promising, with current tests indicating that we might be able to remove something like 300 000 of those 400 000 documents, which is a pretty huge reduction. The reason why this service, whose entire purpose is to be a temporary data store, is accumulating documents, is currently unknown. I’ll have to get to the bottom of that once I’ve dealt with the immediate performance issues.

The testing of the second round of abandoned document removal is time consuming. I’ve just finished the development of the tool and the first round of testing that validated that the system behaved a lot better with a much smaller set of documents in it (using a partial clone of our production environment), even when hit with real traffic replicated from production, which was something of a relief.

Now I have to test that the cleanup scripts and endpoints work as expected when they have to remove data from the server that might have large amounts of binary data linked to it.

This requires a full clone of the production environment, which is a lot more time consuming than the partial clone, because it also has to copy the huge amount of binary data in S3. On the upside, we have scripts that we can use to do the clone (as a result of the migration work), and with some tweaks I should be able to limit the resulting downtime to less than an hour.

Once I’ve verified that the cleanup works on as real of an environment as I can replicate, I’ll deploy it to production and everything will be puppies and roses.



This whole RavenDB journey has been a massive drain on my mental capacity for quite a while now, and that doesn’t even take into account the drain on the business. From the initial failure to load test the service properly (which I now believe was a result of having an insufficient number of documents in the database combined with unrealistic test data), to the performance issues that occurred during the first few months of release (dealt with by scaling the underlying hardware) all the way through to the recent time consuming investigative efforts, the usage of RavenDB for this particular service was a massive mistake.

The disappointing part is that it all could have easily gone the other way.

RavenDB might very well have been an amazing choice of technology for a service focused around being a temporary data store, which may have lead to it being used in other software solutions in my company. The developer experience is fantastic, being amazingly easy to use once you’ve got the concepts firmly in hand and its very well supported and polished. Its complicated and very different from the standard way of thinking (especially regarding eventual consistency), so you really do need to know what you’re getting into, and that level of experience and understanding was just not present in our team at the time the choice was made.

Because of the all issues we’ve had, any additional usage of RavenDB would be met with a lot of resistance. Its pretty much poison now, at least as far as the organisation is concerned.

Software development is often about choosing the right tool for the job and the far reaching impact of those choices cannot be underestimated.


A little over 4 months ago, I wrote a post about trying to improve the speed of cloning a large S3 bucket. At the time, I tried to simply parallelise the execution of the AWS CLI sync command, which actually proved to be much slower than simply leaving the CLI alone to do its job. It was an unsurprising result in retrospect, but you never know unless you try.

Unwilling to let the idea die, I decided to make it my focus during our recent hack days.

If you are unfamiliar with the concept of a hack day (or Hackathon as they are sometimes known), have a look at this Wikipedia article. At my current company, we’re only just starting to include hack days on a regular basis, but its a good sign of a healthy development environment.

Continuing on with the original train of thought (parallelise via prefixes), I needed to find a way to farm out the work to something (whether it was a pool of our own workers or some other mechanism). Continuing with that train of thought, I chose to use AWS Lambda.

Enter Node.js on Lambda.

At A High Level

AWS Lambda is a relatively new offering, allowing you to configure some code to automatically execute following a trigger from one of a number of different events, including an SNS Topic Notification, changes to an S3 bucket or a HTTP call. You can use Python, Java or Javascript (through Node.js) as code natively, but you can technically use anything you can compile into a Linux compatible executable and make accessible to the function via S3 or something similar.

Since Javascript seems to be everywhere now (even though its hard to call it a real language), it was a solid choice. No point being afraid of new things.

Realistically, I should have been at least a little afraid of new things.

Conceptually the idea can be explained as a simple divide and conquer strategy, managed by files in an S3 bucket (because S3 was the triggering mechanism I was most familiar with).

If something wants to trigger a clone, it writes a file into a known S3 bucket detailing the desired operation (source, destination, some sort of id) with a key of {id}-{source}-{destination}/clone-request.

In response, the Lambda function will trigger, segment the work and write a file for each segment with a key of {id}-{source}-{destination}/{prefix}-segment-request. When it has finished breaking down the work, it will write another file with the key {id}-{source}-{destination}/clone-response, containing a manifest of the breakdown, indicating that it is done with the division of work.

As each segment file is being written, another Lambda function will be triggered, doing the actual copy work and finally writing a file with the key {id}-{source}-{destination}/{prefix}-segment-response to indicate that its done.

File Formats Are Interesting

Each clone-request file looks like this:

    id: {id},
    source: {
        name: {source-bucket-name}
    destination: {
        name: {destination-bucket-name}

Its a relatively simple file that would be easy to extend as necessary (for example, if you needed to specify the region, credentials to access the bucket, etc).

The clone-response file (the manifest), looks like this:

    id: {id},
    source: {
        name: {source-bucket-name}
    destination: {
        name: {destination-bucket-name}
    segments: {
        count: {number-of-segments},
        values: [

Again, another relatively simple file. The only additional information is the segments that the task was broken into. These segments are used for tracking purposes, as the code that requests a clone needs some way to know when the clone is done.

Each segment-request file looks like this:

    id: {id},
    source: {
        name: {source-bucket-name},
        prefix: {prefix}
    destination: {
        name: {destination-bucket-name}

And finally, each segment-response file looks like this:

    id: {id},
    source: {
        name: {source-bucket-name},
        prefix: {prefix}
    destination: {
        name: {destination-bucket-name}
    files: [        

Nothing fancy or special, just straight JSON files with all the information needed.

Breaking It All Down

First up, the segmentation function.

Each Javascript Lambda function already comes with access to the aws-sdk, which is super useful, because honestly if you’re using Lambda, you’re probably doing it because you need to talk to other AWS offerings.

The segmentation function has to read in the triggering file from S3, parse it (its Javascript and JSON so that’s trivial at least), iterate through the available prefixes (using a delimiter, and sticking with the default “/”), write out a file for each unique prefix and finally write out a file containing the manifest.

As I very quickly learned, using Node.js to accomplish the apparently simple task outlined above was made not simple at all thanks to its fundamentally asynchronous nature, and the fact that async calls don’t seem to return a traceable component (unlike in C#, where if you were using async tasks you would get a task object that could be used to track whether or not the task succeeded/failed).

To complicate this even further, the aws-sdk will only return a maximum of 1000 results when listing the prefixes in a bucket (or doing anything with a bucket really), which means you have to loop using the callbacks. This makes accumulating some sort of result set annoying difficult, especially if you want to know when you are done.

Anyway, the segmentation function is as follows:

console.log('Loading function');

var aws = require('aws-sdk');
var s3 = new aws.S3({ apiVersion: '2006-03-01' });

function putCallback(err, data)
    if (err)
        console.log('Failed to Upload Clone Segment ', err);

function generateCloneSegments(s3Source, command, commandBucket, marker, context, segments)
    var params = { Bucket: command.source.name, Marker: marker, Delimiter: '/' };
    console.log("Listing Prefixes: ", JSON.stringify(params));
    s3Source.listObjects(params, function(err, data) {
        if (err)
            for (var i = 0; i < data.CommonPrefixes.length; i++)
                var item = data.CommonPrefixes[i];
                var segmentRequest = {
                    id: command.id,
                    source : {
                        name: command.source.name,
                        prefix: item.Prefix
                    destination : {
                        name: command.destination.name
                var segmentKey = command.id + '/' + item.Prefix.replace('/', '') + '-segment-request';
                console.log("Uploading: ", segmentKey);
                var segmentUploadParams = { Bucket: commandBucket, Key: segmentKey, Body: JSON.stringify(segmentRequest), ContentType: 'application/json'};
                s3.putObject(segmentUploadParams, putCallback);
                generateCloneSegments(s3Source, command, commandBucket, data.NextMarker, context, segments);
                // Write a clone-response file to the commandBucket, stating the segments generated
                console.log('Total Segments: ', segments.length);
                var cloneResponse = {
                    segments: {
                        count: segments.length,
                        values: segments
                var responseKey = command.id + '/' + 'clone-response';
                var cloneResponseUploadParams = { Bucket: commandBucket, Key: responseKey, Body: JSON.stringify(cloneResponse), ContentType: 'application/json'};
                console.log("Uploading: ", responseKey);
                s3.putObject(cloneResponseUploadParams, putCallback);

exports.handler = function(event, context) {
    //console.log('Received event:', JSON.stringify(event, null, 2));
    var commandBucket = event.Records[0].s3.bucket.name;
    var key = decodeURIComponent(event.Records[0].s3.object.key.replace(/\+/g, ' '));
    var params = {
        Bucket: commandBucket,
        Key: key
    s3.getObject(params, function(err, data) 
        if (err) 
            var command = JSON.parse(data.Body);
            var s3Source = new aws.S3({ apiVersion: '2006-03-01', region: 'ap-southeast-2' });
            var segments = [];
            generateCloneSegments(s3Source, command, commandBucket, '', context, segments);

I’m sure some improvements could be made to the Javascript (I’d love to find a way automate tests on it), but its not bad for being written directly into the AWS console.

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, Its Off To Work We Go

The actual cloning function is remarkably similar to the segmenting function.

It still has to loop through items in the bucket, except it limits itself to items that match a certain prefix. It still has to do something for each item (execute a copy and add the key to its on result set) and it still has to write a file right at the end when everything is done.

console.log('Loading function');

var aws = require('aws-sdk');
var commandS3 = new aws.S3({ apiVersion: '2006-03-01' });

function copyCallback(err, data)
    if (err)
        console.log('Failed to Copy ', err);

function copyFiles(s3, command, commandBucket, marker, context, files)
    var params = { Bucket: command.source.name, Marker: marker, Prefix: command.source.prefix };
    s3.listObjects(params, function(err, data) {
        if (err)
            for (var i = 0; i < data.Contents.length; i++)
                var key = data.Contents[i].Key;
                console.log("Copying [", key, "] from [", command.source.name, "] to [", command.destination.name, "]");
                var copyParams = {
                    Bucket: command.destination.name,
                    CopySource: command.source.name + '/' + key,
                    Key: key
                s3.copyObject(copyParams, copyCallback);
                copyFiles(s3, command, commandBucket, data.NextMarker, context, segments);
                // Write a segment-response file
                console.log('Total Files: ', files.length);
                var segmentResponse = {
                    id: command.id,
                    source: command.source,
                    destination : {
                        name: command.destination.name,
                        files: {
                            count: files.length,
                            files: files
                var responseKey = command.id + '/' + command.source.prefix.replace('/', '') + '-segment-response';
                var segmentResponseUploadParams = { Bucket: commandBucket, Key: responseKey, Body: JSON.stringify(segmentResponse), ContentType: 'application/json'};
                console.log("Uploading: ", responseKey);
                commandS3.putObject(segmentResponseUploadParams, function(err, data) { });

exports.handler = function(event, context) {
    //console.log('Received event:', JSON.stringify(event, null, 2));
    var commandBucket = event.Records[0].s3.bucket.name;
    var key = decodeURIComponent(event.Records[0].s3.object.key.replace(/\+/g, ' '));
    var params = {
        Bucket: commandBucket,
        Key: key
    commandS3.getObject(params, function(err, data) 
        if (err) 
            var command = JSON.parse(data.Body);
            var s3 = new aws.S3({ apiVersion: '2006-03-01', region: 'ap-southeast-2' });
            var files = [];
            copyFiles(s3, command, commandBucket, '', context, files);

Tricksy Trickses

You may notice that there is no mention of credentials in the code above. That’s because the Lambda functions run under a role with a policy that gives them the ability to list, read and put into any bucket in our account. Roles are handy for accomplishing things in AWS, avoiding the new to supply credentials. When applied to the resource, and no credentials are supplied, the aws-sdk will automatically generate a short term token using the role, reducing the likelihood of leaked credentials.

As I mentioned above, The asynchronous nature of Node.js made everything a little but more difficult than expected. It was hard to determine when anything was done (somewhat important for writing manifest files). Annoyingly enough, it was even hard to determine when the function itself was finished. I kept running into issues where the function execution had finished, and it looked like it had done all of the work I expected it to do, but AWS Lambda was reporting that it did not complete successfully.

In the initial version of Node.js I was using (v0.10.42), the AWS supplied context object had a number of methods on it to indicate completion (whether success or failure). If I called the Succeed method after I setup my callbacks, the function would terminate without doing anything, because it didn’t automatically wait for the callbacks to complete. If I didn’t call it, the function would be marked as “did not complete successfully”. Extremely annoying.

As is often the case with AWS though, on literally the second hack day, AWS released support for Node.js v4.3, which automatically waits for all pending callbacks to complete before completing the function, completely changing the interaction model for the better. I did upgrade to the latest version during the second hack day (after I had accepted that my function was going to error out in the control panel but actually do all the work it needed to), but it wasn’t until later that I realised that the upgrade had fixed my problem.

The last tripwire I ran into was related to AWS Lambda not being available in all regions yet. Specifically, its not in ap-southeast-2 (Sydney), which is where all of our infrastructure lives. S3 is weird in relation to regions, as buckets are globally unique and accessible, but they do actually have a home region. What does this have to do with Lambda? Well, the S3 bucket triggers I used as the impetus for the function execution only work if the S3 bucket is in the same region as the Lambda function (so us-west-1), even though once you get inside the Lambda function you can read/write to any bucket you like. Weird.


I’ve omitted the Powershell code responsible for executing the clone for brevity. It writes the request to the bucket, reads the response and then polls waiting for all of the segments to be completed, so its not particularly interesting, although the polling for segment completion was my first successful application of the Invoke-Parallel function from Script Center.

Profiling the AWS Lambda approach versus the original AWS CLI sync command approach over a test bucket (7500 objects, 195 distinct prefixes, 8000 MB of data) showed a decent improvement in performance. The sync approach took 142 seconds and the Lambda approach took 55 seconds, approximately a third of the time, which was good to see considering the last time I tried to parallelise the clone it actually decreased the performance. I think with some tweaking the Lambda approach could be improved further, with tighter polling tolerances and an increased number of parallel Lamda executions allowed.

Unfortunately, I have not had the chance to execute the AWS Lambda implementation on the huge bucket that is the entire reason it exists, but I suspect that it won’t work.

Lambda allows at maximum 5 minutes of execution time per function, and I suspect that the initial segmentation for a big enough bucket will probably take longer than that. It might be possible to chain lambda functions together (i.e. trigger one from the next one, perhaps per 1000 results returned from S3, but I’m not entirely sure how to do that yet (maybe using SNS notifications instead of S3?). Additionally, with a big enough bucket, the manifest file itself (detailed the segments) might become unwieldy. I think the problem bucket has something like 200K unique prefixes, so the size of the manifest file can add up quickly.

Regardless, the whole experience was definitely useful from a technical growth point of view. Its always a good idea to remove yourself from your comfort zone and try some new things, and AWS Lambda + Node.js are definitely well outside my comfort zone.

A whole different continent in fact.


As part of my efforts in evaluating Raven 3 (as a replacement of Raven 2.5), I had to clone our production environment. The intent was that if I’m going to test whether the upgrade will work, I should definitely do it on the same data that is actually in Production. Hopefully it will be better, but you should verify your assumptions regardless.

What I really wanted to do was clone the environment, somehow shunt a copy of all of the current traffic though to the clone (ideally with no impact to the real environment) and then contrast and compare the results. Of course, that’s not simple to accomplish (unless you plan for it from the start) so I had to compromise and just take a copy of the existing data, which acts as the baseline for our load tests. I really do want to get that replicated traffic concept going, but its going to take a while.

On the upside, cloning one of our environments is a completely hands-free affair. Everything is automated, from the shutting down of the existing environment (can’t snapshot a volume without shutting down the machine that’s using it) through to the creation of the new environment, all the way to the clone of the S3 bucket that we use to store binary data.

4 hours later, I had my clone.

That’s a hell of a long time. For that 4 hours, the actual production service was down (because it needs to be non-changing for the clone to be accurate). I mean, it was a scheduled downtime, so it happened at like midnight, and our service is really only used during business hours, but its still pretty bad.

Where did all the time go?

The S3 clone.

Cloning Myself is a Terrible Idea

Well, it wasn’t all S3 to be honest. At least 30 minutes of the clone was taking up by snapshotting the existing data volume and bringing up the new environment. AWS is great, but it still takes time for everything to initialize.

The remaining 3.5 hours was all S3 though.

Our binary data bucket is approximately 100GB with a little over a million files (mostly images). I know this now thanks to the new CloudWatch metrics that AWS provides for S3 buckets (which I’m pretty sure didn’t exist a few months ago).

I’m not doing anything fancy for the bucket clone, just using the AWS CLI and the s3 sync command, doing a bucket to bucket copy. I’m definitely not downloading and then reuploading the files or anything crazy like that, so maybe it just takes that long to copy that much data through S3?

There’s got to be a better way!

They Would Fight

When you have what looks like a task that is slow because its just one thing doing it, the typical approach is to try and make multiple things do it, all at the same time, i.e. parallelise it.

So that’s where I started. All of our environment setup/clone is written in Powershell (using either the AWS Powershell Cmdlets or the AWS CLI), so my first thought was “How can I parallelize in Powershell?”

Unsurprisingly, I’m not the only one who thought that, so in the tradition of good software developers everywhere, I used someone else's code.

At that Github link you can find a function called Invoke-Parallel, which pretty much does exactly what I wanted. It creates a worker pool that pulls from a list of work up to some maximum number of concurrent operations. What was the pool of work though? Bucket prefixes.

Our binary data bucket works a lot like most S3 buckets, it uses keys that look a lot like file paths (even though that’s very much not how S3 works), with “/” as the path delimiter. It’s simple enough to get a list of prefixes in a bucket to the first delimiter, so our body of work becomes that set. All you need to do then is write a script to copy over the bucket contents based on a given prefix, then supply that script to the Invoke-Parallel function.

function Clone-S3Bucket

    if ($rootDirectory -eq $null) { throw "RootDirectory script scoped variable not set. That's bad, its used to find dependencies." }
    $rootDirectoryPath = $rootDirectory.FullName

    . "$rootDirectoryPath\scripts\common\Functions-Aws.ps1"

    $awsCliExecutablePath = Get-AwsCliExecutablePath

        $old = Set-AwsCliCredentials $awsKey $awsSecret $awsRegion

        Write-Verbose "Cloning bucket [$sourceBucketName] to bucket [$destinationBucketName]"

        if ($parallelised)
            # This is the only delimiter that will work propery with s3 cp due to the way it does recursion
            $delimiter = "/"
            $parallelisationThrottle = 10

            Write-Verbose "Querying bucket [$sourceBucketName] for prefixes to allow for parallelisation"
            $listResponseRaw = [string]::Join("", (& $awsCliExecutablePath s3api list-objects --bucket $sourceBucketName --output json --delimiter $delimiter))
            $listResponseObject = ConvertFrom-Json $listResponseRaw
            $prefixes = @($listResponseObject.CommonPrefixes | Select -ExpandProperty Prefix)

            . "$rootDirectoryPath\scripts\common\Functions-Parallelisation.ps1"

            if ($prefixes -ne $null)
                Write-Verbose "Parallelising clone over [$($prefixes.Length)] prefixes"
                $copyRecursivelyScript = { 
                    Write-Verbose "S3 Copy by prefix [$_]";
                    $source = "s3://$sourceBucketName/$_"
                    $destination = "s3://$destinationBucketName/$_"
                    & $awsCliExecutablePath s3 cp $source $destination --recursive | Write-Debug 

                $parallelOutput = Invoke-Parallel -InputObject $prefixes -ImportVariables -ScriptBlock $copyRecursivelyScript -Throttle $parallelisationThrottle -Quiet
                Write-Verbose "No prefixes were found using delimiter [$delimiter]"

            $keys = $listResponseObject.Contents | Select -ExpandProperty Key

            if ($keys -ne $null)
                Write-Verbose "Parallelising clone over [$($keys.Length)] prefixes"
                $singleCopyScript = { 
                    Write-Verbose "S3 Copy by key [$_]";

                    $copyArguments = @()
                    $copyArguments += "s3"
                    $copyArguments += "cp"
                    $copyArguments += "s3://$sourceBucketName/$_"
                    $copyArguments += "s3://$destinationBucketName/$_"
                    & $awsCliExecutablePath @copyArguments | Write-Debug

                $parallelOutput = Invoke-Parallel -InputObject $keys -ImportVariables -ScriptBlock $singleCopyScript -Throttle $parallelisationThrottle -Quiet
            (& $awsCliExecutablePath s3 sync s3://$sourceBucketName s3://$destinationBucketName) | Write-Debug
        $old = Set-AwsCliCredentials $old.Key $old.Secret $old.Region

There Can Be Only One

Now, like any developer knows, obviously my own implementation is going to be better than the one supplied by a team of unknown size who worked on it for some unspecified length of time, but the key fact to learn would be just how much better it was going to be.

I already had a Powershell test for my bucket clone (from when I first wrote it to use the AWS CLI directly), so I tuned it up a little bit to seed a few hundred files (400 to be exact), evenly distributed into prefixed and non-prefixed keys. These files were then uploaded into a randomly generated bucket and both my old code and the newer parallelised code was execute to clone that bucket into a new bucket.

Describe "Functions-AWS-S3.Clone-S3Bucket" -Tags @("RequiresCredentials") {
    Context "When supplied with two buckets that already exist, with some content in the source bucket" {
        It "Ensures that the content of the source bucket is available in the destination bucket" {
            $workingDirectoryPath = Get-UniqueTestWorkingDirectory
            $creds = Get-AwsCredentials
            $numberOfGeneratedFiles = 400
            $delimiter = "/"

            $sourceBucketName = "$bucketPrefix$([DateTime]::Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd.HHmmss"))"
            (New-S3Bucket -BucketName $sourceBucketName -AccessKey $creds.AwsKey -SecretKey $creds.AwsSecret -Region $creds.AwsRegion) | Write-Verbose
            . "$rootDirectoryPath\scripts\common\Functions-Parallelisation.ps1"

            $aws = Get-AwsCliExecutablePath

            $old = Set-AwsCliCredentials $creds.AwsKey $creds.AwsSecret $creds.AwsRegion

            $fileCreation = {
                $i = $_
                $testFile = New-Item "$workingDirectoryPath\TestFile_$i.txt" -ItemType File -Force
                Set-Content $testFile "Some content with a value dependent on the loop iterator [$i]"
                $key = $testFile.Name
                if ($i % 2 -eq 0)
                    $key = "sub" + $delimiter + $key

                if ($i % 4 -eq 0)
                    $key = (Get-Random -Maximum 5).ToString() + $delimiter + $key

                & $aws s3 cp $testFile.FullName s3://$sourceBucketName/$key

            Set-AwsCliCredentials $old.Key $old.Secret $old.Region

            1..$numberOfGeneratedFiles | Invoke-Parallel -ScriptBlock $fileCreation -ImportVariables -Throttle 10 -Quiet

            $destinationBucketName = "$bucketPrefix$([DateTime]::Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd.HHmmss"))"
            $destinationBucket = (New-S3Bucket -BucketName $destinationBucketName -AccessKey $creds.AwsKey -SecretKey $creds.AwsSecret -Region $creds.AwsRegion) | Write-Verbose

                $time = Measure-Command { Clone-S3Bucket -SourceBucketName $sourceBucketName -DestinationBucketName $destinationBucketName -AwsKey $creds.AwsKey -AwsSecret $creds.AwsSecret -AwsRegion $creds.AwsRegion -Parallelised }

                $contents = @(Get-S3Object -BucketName $destinationBucketName -AccessKey $creds.AwsKey -SecretKey $creds.AwsSecret -Region $creds.AwsRegion)

                $contents.Length | Should Be $numberOfGeneratedFiles
                    (Remove-S3Bucket -BucketName $sourceBucketName -AccessKey $creds.AwsKey -SecretKey $creds.AwsSecret -Region $creds.AwsRegion -DeleteObjects -Force) | Write-Verbose
                    Write-Warning "An error occurred while attempting to delete the bucket [$sourceBucketName]."
                    Write-Warning $_

                    (Remove-S3Bucket -BucketName $destinationBucketName -AccessKey $creds.AwsKey -SecretKey $creds.AwsSecret -Region $creds.AwsRegion -DeleteObjects -Force) | Write-Verbose
                    Write-Warning "An error occurred while attempting to delete the bucket [$destinationBucketName]."
                    Write-Warning $_

The old code took 5 seconds. That’s forever!

The new code took 50 seconds!

Yup, 10 times slower.

A disheartening result, but not all that unexpected when I think about it.

The key point here, that I was unaware of, is that the AWS CLI sync is already multithreaded, running a number of requests in parallel to deal with exactly this issue. Just trying to multitask within the same process gives me very little, and in reality is actually worse, because the CLI is almost certainly much more highly optimised than my own Powershell based parallelisation code.


Unfortunately I don’t yet have an amazing solution for cloning large S3 buckets. I’ll get back to it in the future, but for now I just have to accept that a clone of our production environment takes hours.

I think that if I were to use a series of workers (probably in AWS) that I could feed work to via a message queue (RabbitMQ, SQS, whatever) I could probably improve the clone speed, but that’s a hell of a lot of effort, so I’ll need to give it some more thought.

Another important takeaway from this experiment is that you should always measure the solutions you’ve implemented. There is no guarantee that your apparently awesome code is any better than something else, no matter how attached to it you might be.

Prove its awesomeness with numbers, and then, if its bad, let it die.


A very short post this week, as I’m still struggling with my connection leak and a number of other things (RavenDB production server performance issues is the biggest one, but also automating a Node/NPM built website into our current CI architecture, which is mostly based around Powershell/MSBuild). Its been a pretty discombobulated week.

So this incredibly short post?

Phantom buckets in S3.

There Is A Hole In The Bucket

Our environments often include S3 buckets, and those buckets are typically created via the same CloudFormation template as the other components (like EC2 instances, ELB, Auto Scaling Groups, etc).

Until now, the names of these buckets have been relatively straightforward. A combination of a company name + environment (i.e. ci, staging, etc) + the component (like auth service) + the purpose of the bucket (logs, images, documents, whatever).

This works great. Your buckets have sane names, so you know where to look for things and its easy to apply different lifecycle management depending on the bucket purpose.

Unfortunately its not all wonderful happy time.

The first issue is that CloudFormation will not delete a bucket with contents. I can understand this from a safety point of view, but when the actual AWS API allows you to just delete buckets with contents, the disconnect is frustrating.

What this means is that now you need to delete the bucket contents outside of the actual stack deletion. Its especially annoying for buckets being used to contain ELB logs, as there is an extremely good chance of files being written after you’ve cleared the bucket ready for CloudFormation to delete it. I’ve solved this issue by just deleting the bucket outside of the stack teardown (we already do some other things here, like Octopus management, so its not entirely unprecedented).

The second issue is phantom buckets.


I’ve encountered this issue twice now. Once for our proxy environment and now once for one of our API’s.

What happens is that when the environment attempts to spin up (our CI environments are recreated every morning to verify that our environment creation scripts work as expected), it will fail because it cannot create the bucket. The actual error is incredibly unhelpful:

    "EventId" : "LogsBucket-CREATE_FAILED-2015-11-02T21:49:55.907Z",
    "LogicalResourceId" : "LogsBucket",
    "PhysicalResourceId" : "OBFUSCATED_BUCKET_NAME",
    "ResourceProperties" : "{\"BucketName\":\"OBFUSCATED_BUCKET_NAME\",\"LifecycleConfiguration\":{\"Rules\":[{\"Status\":\"Enabled\",\"Id\":\"1\",\"ExpirationInDays\":\"7\"}]}}\n",
    "ResourceStatus" : "CREATE_FAILED",
    "ResourceStatusReason" : "The specified bucket does not exist",
    "ResourceType" : "AWS::S3::Bucket",
    "StackId" : "OBFUSCATED_STACK_ID",
    "StackName" : "OBFUSCATED_STACK_NAME",
    "Timestamp" : "\/Date(1446500995907)\/"

If I go into the AWS dashboard and look at my buckets, its clearly not there.

If I try to create a bucket with the expected name, it fails, saying the bucket already exists.

Its a unique enough name that it seems incredibly unlikely that someone else has stolen the name (bucket names being globally unique), so I can only assume that something has gone wrong in AWS and the bucket still technically exists somehow, but we’ve lost control over it.


Of course, because the bucket is an intrinsic part of the environment, now I can’t create my CI environment for that particular service. Which means we can’t successfully build/deploy any thing involving that service, because CI is typically used for functional test validation.

Who Ya Gunna Call? Ghostbusters!

The only solution I could come up with, was to make sure that every time an environment is created, the buckets have completely unique names. With only 63 characters to work with, this is somewhat challenging, especially if we want to maintain nice sane bucket names that a human could read.

What I ended up doing was shortening the human readable part (just environment + component + purpose) and appending a GUID onto the end.

Now that I couldn’t predict the name of the bucket though, I had to fix up a couple of other loose ends.

The first was that the bucket deletion (during environment tear down) now had to query the stack itself to find out the bucket resources. Not overly difficult.

    if ($environment -ne $null)
        $resources = Get-CFNStackResources -StackName $environment.StackId -AccessKey $awsKey -SecretKey $awsSecret -Region $awsRegion
        $s3buckets = $resources | Where { $_.ResourceType -eq "AWS::S3::Bucket" }
        foreach ($s3Bucket in $s3Buckets)
                $bucketName = $s3Bucket.PhysicalResourceId
                _RemoveBucket -bucketName $bucketName -awsKey $awsKey -awsSecret $awsSecret -awsRegion $awsRegion
                Write-Warning "Error occurred while trying to delete bucket [$bucketName] prior to stack destruction."
                Write-Warning $_
    Write-Warning "Error occurred while attempting to get S3 buckets to delete from the CloudFormation stack."
    Write-Warning $_

The second was that our Octopus projects used the predictable bucket name during deployments, so I had to change the environment setup code to update the project variables to have the correct value. This was a little more difficult, but due to Octopus being awesome from an automation point of view, it eventually worked.


I can see how this sort of situation can arise in a disconnected, eventually consistent architecture, but that doesn’t make it any less frustrating.

It could be my fault for constantly creating/deleting buckets as part of the environment management scripts, but being that it doesn’t happen all the time, it really does feel like a bug of some sort.

Plus, ghost buckets are scary. Does that mean there is some of my data up there in AWS that I no longer have control over? I mean, I can’t even see it, let alone manage it.

A sobering thought.