I love Dependency Injection.

I’ve only really been doing it for the past year or so, but I’ve noticed that smart usage of dependency injection makes code more loosely coupled, easier to change and easier to test.

Doing dependency injection well is hard. I highly suggest reading Dependency Injection in .NET. Actually, read that book AND read Mark Seemans’ excellent blog as well.

That last bit about classes designed with dependency injection being easier to test is kind of correct. They are certainly easy to isolate (for the purposes of unit testing), but classes that are designed with dependency injection should have their dependencies supplied during object construction (Constructor Injection).

The downside of using Constructor Injection, especially combined with Test Driven Development, is that your constructor is probably going to change quite a lot as you are developing. This, of course, has an impact on your unit tests, as depending on how you are instantiating your object, you may have to change quite a number of lines of code every time you make a change.


Tests shouldn’t be onerous. Yes making a change to a constructor will probably have an impact on a test, but that impact should come out in the test results, not during the compile, because its the test results that show whether or not the impact of the change was meaningful. Also, getting hundreds of compiler errors just because you changed a constructor is kind of morale crushing.

First Attempt

The obvious solution to the problem is to factor out the construction of your object into a method in your test class.

public class AccountsRepositoryTest
    public void AccountsRepository_SearchByMember_ReturnsOnlyMemberAccounts()
        var expectedMember = "285164";

        var accounts = new List<Account>
            // .. bunch of accounts here

        var accountsPersistenceSubstitute = Substitute.For<AccountsPersistence>();

        var target = CreateTarget(accountsPersistence: accountsPersistenceSubstitute);

        // .. rest of the test here

    private AccountsRepository CreateTarget(AccountsPersistence persistence = null)
        if (acccountsPersistence == null)
            var accountsPersistence = Substitute.For<AccountsPersistence>();

        var target = new AcountsRepository(accountsPersistence);
        return target;

This is much better than riddling your tests with direct calls to the constructor, but its still an awful lot of code that I would prefer to not have to write (or maintain). It can start getting pretty onerous when your class has a few dependencies as well.


There’s got to be a better way!

Second Attempt

Well, there is. One of the reasons why Inversion of Control Containers exist is to help us construct our objects, and to allow us to change our constructors without having to change a bunch of code (yes there are many other reasons they exist, but creating object graphs is definitely one of the bigger ones).

Why not use an IoC container in the unit tests?

What I do now is:

public class AccountsRepositoryTest
    public void AccountsRepository_SearchByMember_ReturnsOnlyMemberAccounts()
        var expectedMember = "285164";
        var accounts = new List<Account>
            // .. bunch of accounts here

        var accountsPersistenceSubstitute = Substitute.For<AccountsPersistence>();

        var kernel = CreateKernel();

        var target = kernel.Get<AccountsRespository>();

        // .. rest of test

    private IKernel CreateKernel()
        var kernel = new NSubstituteMockingKernel();
        return kernel;

Much better. Leveraging the power of the Ninject IKernel, along with the NSubstitute MockingKernel extension allows me to only have to implement a small amount of code in each new test class (just the simple CreateKernel method). From the example its not immediately obvious what the benefits are, because I’ve had to write more code into the test method to deal with the kernel, but this approach really comes into its own when you have many dependencies (instead of just one) or your constructor is changing a lot.


  • The test methods lose no expressiveness (they still state the dependencies they need control over and rebind them as necessary).
  • I’ve dropped all of the annoying boilerplate code that sets up substitutes for all of the dependencies that I don’t care about.
  • I don’t need to deal with a method in each test class that is essentially a surrogate constructor (which will need to change every time the constructor changes).


  • I’ve hidden the pain that can come from having an class with many dependencies. This is a good pain, it tells you that something is wrong with your class and tests are one of the easiest places to feel it.
  • The test projects are now dependent on the IoC container.

I think its a worthy trade-off.

Special Kernels and Modules

One of the great things about Ninject is the ability to describe Modules (which contain binding information) and Kernels (which can load certain modules by default, and provide bindings of their own).

If you have certain bindings that need to be valid for your unit tests, or configured in some specific way, you can create a specific UnitTestModule that contains those bindings. I usually combine this with a UnitTestKernel, which just loads that UnitTestModule by default (just so I don’t have to manually load it in every CreateKernel method).

A good example of a use case for this is a project that I’m working on in my spare time. It is a WPF desktop application using the MVVM pattern, and makes use of TaskSchedulers to perform background work. I say TaskSchedulers plural because there are two, one for background threads and one for the main thread (to commit results to the View Model so that the UI will correctly refresh the bindings).

Unit testing code that involves multiple threads at its most basic level can be extremely difficult, especially if the background/foreground work is encapsulated well in the class.

This is where the UnitTestModule comes in. It provides a binding for the pair of TaskSchedulers (background and foreground) which is an implementation of a single threaded (or synchronous) TaskScheduler. This means that any background work happens synchronously, which makes the View Models much easier to test. You wouldn’t want to repeat this binding for every single View Model test class, so the UnitTestModule (and thus the UnitTestKernel) is the perfect place for it.

TaskSchedulers are great, precisely for the reason that you can provide your own implementations. I’ve used a CurrentThreadTaskScheduler and even a ManualTaskScheduler for the purposes of unit testing, and it really does make everything much easier to test. Of course, the implementations of TaskScheduler that are used in the real app need to be tested to, but that’s what integration testing is for.


Tests shouldn’t be something that causes you to groan in frustration every time you have to make a change. I find that using an IoC container in my unit tests removes at least one of those “groan” points, the constructor, and feels much cleaner.